Sizing Up Soils
For generations upon generations, we have lived on and learned to use soils. Soils sustain our world.
We size up soils every day. Why? Because we care about clean water and clean air, fresh tomatoes and fine wine, dams and dry basements, subway tunnels and superhighways, fields and forests, wildlife and weather.
Since humans first settled down, we have been sizing up soils. Today, soil scientists analyze soils and predict how they will behave. But scientists explore soils using tools and techniques—digging, touching, seeing, and smelling—that everyone can use.
Every soil’s life story is written in its structure, color, and patterns. You can read it by taking a closer look from the ground down.
Start sizing up soils and get ready
for surprises!
Matters of Life and Death
Journey into soil, meet the critters, and learn about their cycles that create and sustain soils.