Introduction |
Carole Baldwin
Dr. Carole Baldwin is an authority on marine biology and a role model for young women interested in scientific careers. Learn more about her deep-sea research and her exploration of the Galápagos Islands that led to the discovery over a dozen species of fishes never identified before!
David Adamec
Did you know that there are scientists at NASA who never fly in space shuttles nor study the solar system? Dr. David Adamec is an Oceanographer working at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. He is finding new ways of seeing and understanding the Earth’s ocean using NASA satellites.
Terry Erwin
If you discovered over one thousand new species of sub-tropical insects, what would you name them? Dr. Terry Erwin, Curator in the Entomology Department at the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum faced this dilemma when his revolutionary field research in the tropical canopy led to the discovery of thousands of new insect species.